On My Own Terms

the muse.i.cal, magic.k.al, mystical meanderings of one woman's soul

Monday, November 29, 2010

Remembrance Day Dec 18th save the date!

I'm excited to announce a new collaboration with two of my colleagues for this holiday season:

Come join us for a very special event of remembering your loved ones in spirit with an afternoon of healing, meditation and messages. Hosts Gerri DiSimone, Jessica Marrocco and Deb D’Onofrio will create sacred space through chakra clearing, music, and message work. Find peace, comfort and connection in this season of light and hope.

* We cannot guarantee messages for all attendees but will do our best offer as many messages as possible.

Saturday Dec. 18th


North Parish Church

190 Academy Rd.

N. Andover, Ma 01845


to register contact Deb at comebackhome@comcast.net

Blessings of the Season,


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the deers cry

this is an irish prayer i often say, credited to st. patrick:

the deers cry

i arise today
through the strength of heaven
light of sun
radiance of moon
splendor of fire
speed of lightning
swiftness of wind
depth of sea
stability of earth
firmness of rock

and another one i love:

i found this in the book shamanism as a spiritual practice for daily life by tom cowan

A simple wish for someone:

power of raven be yours
power of eagle be yours
power of fiann (a band of irish heroes)

power of storm be yours
power of moon be yours
power of sun

goodness of sea be yours
goodness of earth be yours
goodness of heaven

until next time...xx

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

meeting jessica

(this pic is of one of my goddess sister chezzie's altars...)

i'm excited to tell you that tomorrow i'll be doing my first journal entry in video! a new friend (in this lifetime anyway!) jessica morrocco and i are going to shoot it tomorrow and i hope to get it to u sooon!
so much has happened that trying to sort it all out and write seemed like walking in peanut butter .. this way we'll be able to share in a more personal way with you...

until then...xx

Friday, November 5, 2010

when we don't understand

november 5, 2010

i needed this prayer this week, because people have acted in ways that they had to know would hurt. maybe it's karma? maybe it was an oversight, a misunderstanding , thoughtless, the "oh well" scenario. the first line is what made me remember this prayer.. and the last one is what finally today, after almost a full week of mulling, has helped me to get to a better place.

and of course, the prayer was on my mind to find this week and about mid week i got a letter from a friend in the mail...notice the stamp!!! ok ok i get it!

eople are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

-this version is credited to Mother Teresa

until next time...xx

Saturday, October 30, 2010

lion heart

october 30th ,201o

10 minutes after i signed off from drafting the "how it works" post i was on facebook, followed a link to juliette crane's page and look!

TITLE: COURAGE SQUARE BRASS PENDENT. Available in my etsy shop.

last weekend i got inspired to create these necklaces!

my painting COURAGE the lion has always been a favorite, meant to inspire courage and strength in whoever wears it!

and right now i realize i just posted this link about a lion! on my fb page..u might have seen it, if not take a peek here...

see what a great sense of humor spirit has!!???

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How It Works

October 30th, 2010

welcome to the official unveiling of on my own terms!

what i most want to share with you on this blog is how a life unfolds. how we are
so watched over in our lives by our guides and spirit friends, masters , angels and the like. how even tho' the choices may not always be clear, we get there eventually. i so much want to invite u to explore your connection with your own soul and also with your own spirit friends . i hope you'll call on them and try asking them for insight, talk to them when u feel confused or sad or worried, laugh with them, welcome them into your day as soon as u open ur eyes in the morning.... see what happens. notice how circumstances reshape for the better. not that it's always easy or effortless or even the way ur human self wants it to be, but rather it will be better, for the highest good. sometimes it's the higher good that we will be asked to get good with, i admit i find that difficult alot of the time!

our stories are so important. we need to share with each other and learn from each other and be encouraged by each other. we are going thru some of the most historical times on earth, the world is changing in ways like never before.i feel many of us are here to help bring peace and a new way of life to earth and humanity. many of us are right now are feeling a deep need to grow , to let of go of relationships that we've outgrown or that have become too toxic to remain in, we are seeking to satisfy a hunger to DO something to make a difference. it's not enough to be an armchair quarterback anymore. we want more harmony in our families, better communication. we want to move from our souls more.

we're asking questions like:

who am i?
why am i here?
do i have a purpose?

and if u think u 've already asked those questions and got answers, u find urself asking them again. in light of all the world events and turmoil we are in the midst of, many many people are "waking up" to the something more. to what really matters-the world beyond the perfectly appointed home, the SUV, the credit cards, the designer outfit, the 3 vacations a year. these are the times i've come for. these are the times that make me feel most alive;as if my number has been called and it's time to get about what i'm here to do. and part of that is to put down the stories that are mine to tell. stories about the soul life and the human life and living in these two worlds. following the thread of life.

so here goes!

Getting Started

spirit has nudged me for awhile to do this particular blog but i was nervous about it. do i really want to tell stories about my life as a psychic, a witch, a healer, as a woman who has all kinds of worries and fears and shadows??? a mom who doesn't always do it right, as a wife who isn't the perfect partner?? a journal of my own journey?

yes...they kept the nudging ...
" remember how much others being brave has helped you. you have enough now to share that will help. it's your turn now. u've come to serve, this is ur service right now."

once i agreed to do this, in the days to followed one word appeared over and over. in the course of 24hrs:

the first picture above is a journal entry from 2006. i was clearing out old journals from my study and shredding them. as i pulled this one out, i had the feeling (often time i have a feeling that "speaks" to me) "stop. open that one." and as i flipped thru the pages, this page fell open. the french couer =heart. i was reading when the heart waits by sue monk kidd at the time. seeing this reminded me of how the heart has been such a central theme in my life. more like a living essence, a compass, and my true north. i liked the connection with courage now. i would need to remember to live from my courageous heart.

2. "randomly" the same day i chose this tarot card!

see how it works?? so i'm keeping my eyes open, my heart full of courage and wising you the same.

until next time...xx

Monday, October 25, 2010

Join me All Soul's Day, An Unveiling

when one woman honors who she is, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are capable of being.

taken from a reading, daily om

what will appear here beginning November 1st, All Soul's Day is:

a woman's spiritual journey

a psychic's path

a witch's inner world

a mystic's vision

a mother's heart

an artist's hands

a wife's commitment

a daughter's connection

here i am following the inner tug to share with you in new, deeper and more intimate ways about my journey.
the urge to draw closer and warm ourselves by the fire of our spirits, to reawaken to the embers of the
one spirit has never been more compelling. we each are seeking our to know wholeness, our unique divinity, and to be that in this world.

here i follow my inner guidance to tell stories of one woman's life as it unfolds, as it is lived. i hope to be a pair of shoulders for u to stand on, to see upward and gain new perspective, to support u, as u too live ur unique journey. i hope the stories here will do what all the stories over the ages do: create a circle of light that in the giving and in the receiving remind us of who we really are: the brilliant ones, the soul filled ones, the strong ones, the vulnerable ones, the beautiful ones, the ones that are enough, the ones that are loved, the ones that are love.

mostly this blog is an act of devotion, an act of honoring myself, of honoring you and of honoring the experience of our awakening together.

may we rise up, step up and into what we are capable of being.

until next time...xx